Monday, January 2, 2017

Getting Destin in the panhandle

From our balcony Emerald Grande


Emerald Grand Wyndham is a great spot for New Year's Eve!  Live bands, fire works at 8pm and midnight, dancing right on the harbor below the pool.  Fishing, touring boat all right there--not that we were in shape to go out on the water!   Both of us with bad colds and fatigue so didn't even stop in the Outlet Malls.  Walking around Harborside Village next to Wyndham is great fun.  Drove up to 30A to Seaside and walked around--beautiful!

Ate at McGuire's--large portions so can split a dinner.  Senate bean soup (the original recipe) is $ 0.18 (the original price) and is delicious!  It is right across the street.  Our second dinner there was cancelled due to a nasty thunderstorm and we didn't venture outside.  Dewey Destins dining doesn't live up to the hype.... is better for lunch than dinner.  Leaving tomorrow for St Augustine!

From our balcony Emerald Grande

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